Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Radiation leak in Japan

As you probably have heard on the news, radiation leak in Japan is more serious than previously thought.  As of yesterday, radiation level has increased from Level 5 to Level 7, which is the same level as the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.  The aftermath of Chernobyl can still be seen today, as the cancer rate in the area has continued to increase since the event. 

Should you be concerned?  Not quite yet.  Now in Canada, very low level of radioactive material from the leakage is detected in the air and water.  A higher restriction is set on foods imported from Japan, and any food from the radiation affected areas is not permited to enter Canada.  I have faith in Health Canada and Canada Food Inspection Agency to keep our food safe :)

What should I do at the moment?  Donate to Red Cross and help Japan get over the crisis.  It is always a good idea to protect yourself by having an emergency kit at home.  Visit GetPrepared.ca to get ideas of what should be in the kit.

What's the deal with potassium iodide? 
Thyroid in the human body takes up iodide to maintain its health.  As the radioactive material from Japan contains iodide, it can be taken in the body and into the thyroid, leading to undesirable damages.  By taking high concentration of potassium iodide (130 mg) from supplements, the thyroid will be saturated with iodine such that it will not take up iodide from the radiation. 

Having that said, it is not a good idea to take potassium iodide supplement unless there is a dangerous level of radioactive material in the area.  130 mg is 1000x higher than the daily dose (130 mcg) and it can cause damage to thyroid if taken daily.  The supplement is to be placed in the emergency kit for "just in case". 

Regularly, you would have consumed enough iodine from your daily diet, such as from salt, seaweed, seafood..  If you have hypothyroidism, it would be a good idea to take kelp supplement, which is rich in natural iodine, trace materials and amino acids.  An example of a kelp product is Ocean Wonders Kelp; it is in liquid form and you just need to take 1/2 ounce a day for health maintence.  It tastes a little salty; it would taste better if you dilute it in water or juice.  This product is selling very quickly in the store I work at!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Welcome to my blog of health!

Health is a continuous investment; every piece of effort that we put in everyday can help to improve our health in the future.  If you don't see the results you want after a month, don't give up!  Give yourself at least three months to see the changes.  I have once heard that all of the cells in the body are renewed after three months.  In another word, you are a brand new you after three months (with the exception of bones and possibly joints).  Hence, something that you do/ eat today, you are likely to see the results in three months.

Changing bad habits and adapting new healthy habits can be difficult.  If you want to make changes, you will need to be determine and consistent.  Being healthy can be effortless once you are adapted to the healthy diet and the healthy lifestyle.  There is saying that if you do something for 21 days in a row, it will become your habit.  I have to admit I am not as healthy as I wish to be.  Together, we can develop a healthier futher.

Disclaimer: Health suggestions in this blog is intended for personal reference only, and it is not intended substitute a health care practitioner or a doctor's advice and prescription.  Health information presented in the blog is not intended to diagnosis, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.  Cure is not guaranteed, and the blogger is not liable to any loss or harm caused by using health suggests in this blog.  As different people have different health background and genetics, health supplementations suggested in this blog may be suitable to some people but not others.  Address all your medical concerns with your doctor before taking any supplements.